I never had hips. It's because I don't have kids. Everybody
"I never had hips. It's because I don't have kids. Everybody tells me that once I have a kid, I'll grow some hips. That's cool, but what do you do with the kid?"
Children - tag connected with: funny, pregnant, children, lady, joke, memes, jokes, humor, thin, kids, meme, funny jokes, funny pictures, best, images, problem, getting, happy, complex, woman, slim, hips, pregnancy, shut, early, years, up, telling, talking, learn, walk, next, teach, talk, sit down, walking, teaching, childhood, fashion, clothes, funny images, crazy, funny pics, computers, fatherhood.
"I never had hips. It's because I don't have kids. Everybody tells me that once I have a kid, I'll grow some hips. That's cool, but what do you do with the kid?"
Children: You spend the first 2 years of their life teaching them to walk and talk. Then you spend the next 16 years telling them to sit down and shut up.